Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What's Moisture got do do with it?

Wood floor tip:
When installing wood floor there are many factors to concider before you actually begin your project. 

Today's tip is in regards to moisture. 

Hardwood floors in the traditional sense, refers to a solid piece of wood, 3/8" to 3/4" thick. 

Flooring that is over 1/2" thick must be nailed down to a wood subfloor. 

Thinner pieces of flooring may be glued down like an engineered floor over concrete. Moisture in the slab must be below factory specifications, and the moisture in the wood itself is also important to measure, as it may change prior to installation. 

*Note, manufacturers specifications may vary. Check your specific instructions before proceeding.  Or Call Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse professionals with questions. 

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